Cape Town, South Africa
I am 21 years old and currently a student at Vega. I am one to be very hard on myself but l know I got a good life that everyday I am grateful for. I know I cannot live any other life but my own and so its about time I start embracing it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

1st Day !!!

So its the first day ....
Have told alot of people my idea and its either a reaction of GROSS or THATS GONNA BE HARD FOR YOU KELZ. People know me, and they know that I'm a clean freak and my hair usually is ALWAYS clean and well put together and presentable. 

I have already started to think as to how long I can physically do it or ... and how gross I am gonna feel! People have told me that they were thinking of doing it but I got to it first HAHAHA !
Apparently, if you actually dont wash your hair it is good for it and helps it retain its nourishment and oils. Also, if you do not wash it after it reaches that greasy stage it tends to go back to normal and doesnt actually look dirty, but flip, when it comes the time when it starts to get dirty i WILL be wearing a cap or find an intervention to help me out !!!


1 comment:

  1. yay kell, so u ganna have mos lekka dreads afta this little jolla ey?!
